"Smooth road neaver makes good driver.Silent sea neaver makes good sailor.Clear sky neaver makes good piolet.Problem free life neaver makes a succesful person".
A special smile a special face,A special someone no one can replace.I love you and always will,You've filled a space no one could fill.
aactuallyphysicalychemicalybiologicalymathematicallyhistoricallylonglyshortlyidlichillyslowlyballitastlymagicallysweetlyand finalyi want to say good nightdifferently
Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter. a summer too... but there? will never be.... another you!
Bad things are always going to happen in life.People will hurt you, but you can't use that asan excuse to hurt someone back.
Boy proposed a girl, she rejected.He was not sad so frnds asked Y U dont feel?Boy- Y should i feel?I lost 1 who never loved me !she lost the 1 who really love her.
cute feeling..; my hands never pain while typing message for you..; but my hearts always feel pain when there is no reply 4rm u..
CUTE people r like wind. You can only feel their presence & sincerity. Now dont look here n there to find them. Just luk at the name of the sender...!:-) gd mrng.
D best thing in lyf is wen sum1 special gets angry wid u n say, I wil never talk 2 u. Stil d person cums back 2 u,juz 2 inform- Mai gussa hun.! Gn sd :);)