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Please filter with country or continent to see the coverage list
ID Country Prefix Network MCCMNC Credits/SMS Country Code Continent
1. Abkhazia +7 Aquafon 28967 $0.033 AS-Asia AB
2. Abkhazia +7 A-Mobile 28988 $0.148 AS-Asia AB
3. Afghanistan +93 Etisalat Afghanistan 41250 $0.446 AS-Asia AF
4. Albania +355 Vodafone Albania 27602 $0.167 E-Europe AL
5. Albania +355 AMC (Albanian Mobile Communications) 27601 $0.167 E-Europe AL
6. Algeria +213 Djezzy (Orascom Telecom Algerie) 60302 $0.157 AF-Africa DZ
7. Algeria +213 Ooredoo Algeria 60303 $0.333 AF-Africa DZ
8. Algeria +213 Mobilis (ATM Mobilis) 60301 $0.368 AF-Africa DZ
9. Angola +244 UNITEL 63102 $0.066 AF-Africa AO
10. Angola +244 Movicel 63104 $0.252 AF-Africa AO
11. Anguilla +1264 Flow (Cable & Wireless (Anguilla) Ltd) 365840 $0.025 NA-North America AI
12. Anguilla +1264 Digicel Anguilla 365930 $0.026 NA-North America AI
13. Anguilla +1264 Wireless Ventu Digi 36550 $0.026 NA-North America AI
14. Argentina +54 Claro Argentina (AMX Argentina S.A.) 722310 $0.118 SA-South America AR
15. Argentina +54 Movistar (Telefonica Moviles Argentina S.A.) 722070 $0.145 SA-South America AR
16. Argentina +54 Telecom Personal S.A. 722340 $0.17 SA-South America AR
17. Armenia +374 Beeline (ArmenTel) 28301 $0.118 AS-Asia AM
18. Armenia +374 VivaCell-MTS (K Telecom CJSC) 28305 $0.268 AS-Asia AM
19. Aruba +297 New Millennium Telecom Services N.V. (Digicel) 36303 $0.008 NA-North America AW
20. Aruba +297 Digicel Aruba 36302 $0.008 NA-North America AW
21. Aruba +297 SETAR N.V. (Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba) 36301 $0.01 NA-North America AW
22. Australia +61 YES OPTUS (Singtel Optus Ltd) 50502 $0.031 AU-Australia AU
23. Australia +61 Vodafone Australia 50503 $0.031 AU-Australia AU
24. Australia +61 Telstra 50501 $0.031 AU-Australia AU
25. Austria +43 MVNO - tele.ring (T-Mobile Austria) 23207 $0.038 E-Europe AT
26. Austria +43 MASS Response Servic 23217 $0.038 E-Europe AT
27. Austria +43 MVNO - Tele2 Telecommunication GmbH (T-Mobile) 23219 $0.038 E-Europe AT
28. Austria +43 MNO - T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 23203 $0.038 E-Europe AT
29. Austria +43 MNO - A1 Telekom (Telekom Austria) 23201 $0.038 E-Europe AT
30. Austria +43 MNO - 3 (CK Hutchison) 23210 $0.038 E-Europe AT
31. Azerbaijan +994 Azercell 40001 $0.38 AS-Asia AZ
32. Azerbaijan +994 Nar Mobile (Azerfon LLC) 40004 $0.585 AS-Asia AZ
33. Azerbaijan +994 Bakcell 40002 $0.585 AS-Asia AZ
34. Bahamas +1242 BaTelCo (BTC) 364390 $0.082 NA-North America BS
35. Bahrain +973 Zain BH 42602 $0.054 AS-Asia BH
36. Bahrain +973 VIVA Bahrain 42604 $0.054 AS-Asia BH
37. Bahrain +973 Batelco (Bahrain Telecommunications Company) 42601 $0.054 AS-Asia BH
38. Bangladesh +880 Grameenphone 47001 $0.374 AS-Asia BD
39. Bangladesh +880 Robi (Robi Axiata Ltd) 47002 $0.419 AS-Asia BD
40. Bangladesh +880 TeleTalk 47004 $0.423 AS-Asia BD
41. Bangladesh +880 Banglalink (Orascom Telecom Ltd) 47003 $0.452 AS-Asia BD
42. Barbados +1246 Digicel Barbados 342750 $0.456 NA-North America BB
43. Belarus +375 MTS (JLLC Mobile TeleSystems) 25702 $0.286 E-Europe BY
44. Belgium +32 Mobistar S.A. 20610 $0.05 E-Europe BE
45. Belgium +32 Base N.V. 20620 $0.105 E-Europe BE
46. Belgium +32 Proximus 20601 $0.111 E-Europe BE
47. Belgium +32 Lycamobile 20606 $0.124 E-Europe BE
48. Benin +229 Moov (ex. Etisalat) Benin 61602 $0.299 AF-Africa BJ
49. Benin +229 MTN (Spacetel-Benin) 61603 $0.362 AF-Africa BJ
50. Bermuda +1441 Digicel Bermuda 350001 $0.456 NA-North America BM
51. Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 m:tel (RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka) 21805 $0.127 E-Europe BA
52. Botswana +267 BTC MOBILE (BEMOBILE) 65204 $0.185 AF-Africa BW
53. Brazil +55 Claro // TO - Palmas 72405 $0.023 SA-South America BR
54. Brazil +55 Datora (Vodafone MVNO) 72418 $0.024 SA-South America BR
55. Brazil +55 AmericaNet // TO - Palmas 72426 $0.024 SA-South America BR
56. Brazil +55 Vivo // TO - Palmas 72406 $0.028 SA-South America BR
57. Brazil +55 Telecall // SP - Sao Paulo 72440 $0.028 SA-South America BR
58. Brazil +55 TIM Brasil // TO - Palmas 72402 $0.03 SA-South America BR
59. Brazil +55 EUTV // TO - Palmas 72417 $0.031 SA-South America BR
60. Brazil +55 CTBC - Algar Telecom // SP - Sao Paulo 72432 $0.036 SA-South America BR
61. Brazil +55 Sercomtel // PR - Curitiba 72415 $0.051 SA-South America BR
62. Bulgaria +359 A1 (M-TEL) 28401 $0.175 E-Europe BG
63. Bulgaria +359 vivacom (Bulgarian Telecommunications Company AD (BTC)) 28403 $0.187 E-Europe BG
64. Bulgaria +359 GLOBUL (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD) 28405 $0.196 E-Europe BG
65. Burkina Faso +226 Moov (Etisalat) 61303 $0.008 AF-Africa BF
66. Burkina Faso +226 Orange Burkina Faso S.A. (ex. Airtel) 61302 $0.018 AF-Africa BF
67. Burkina Faso +226 Onatel 61301 $0.018 AF-Africa BF
68. Burundi +257 Africell 64202 $0.008 AF-Africa BI
69. Burundi +257 ONATEL Mobile 64203 $0.01 AF-Africa BI
70. Burundi +257 ECONET LEO 64201 $0.013 AF-Africa BI
71. Burundi +257 Spacetel 64200 $0.013 AF-Africa BI
72. Burundi +257 Viettel Burundi 64208 $0.013 AF-Africa BI
73. Burundi +257 Smart Mobile (LACELL SU) 64207 $0.013 AF-Africa BI
74. Burundi +257 Econet Leo Burundi 64282 $0.013 AF-Africa BI
75. Cambodia +855 Cellcard (CamGSM) 45601 $0.24 AS-Asia KH
76. Cambodia +855 Latelz Co. Ltd SMART 45602 $0.441 AS-Asia KH
77. Cambodia +855 Metfone (Viettel Cambodia) 45608 $0.48 AS-Asia KH
78. Cameroon +237 Orange 62402 $0.238 AF-Africa CM
79. Cameroon +237 MTN Cameroon 62401 $0.362 AF-Africa CM
80. Canada +1600 Bell Mobility 302610 $0.026 NA-North America CA
81. Canada +1600 Canada - Landline and Other Carriers 302000 $0.04 NA-North America CA
82. Central African Republic +236 Orange Centrafrique 62303 $0.04 AF-Africa CF
83. Chile +56 Entel PCS 73001 $0.029 SA-South America CL
84. Chile +56 Movistar (Telefonica Movil de Chile) 73002 $0.041 SA-South America CL
85. Chile +56 Claro Chile 73003 $0.104 SA-South America CL
86. Chile +56 WOM (fka Nextel) 73004 $0.148 SA-South America CL
87. China +86 China Mobile 46000 $0.012 AS-Asia CN
88. China +86 China Telecom 46003 $0.012 AS-Asia CN
89. China +86 China Unicom 46001 $0.012 AS-Asia CN
90. Colombia +57 Tigo (Colombia Movil S.A.) 732103 $0.002 SA-South America CO
91. Colombia +57 Exito (Tigo MVNO) 732999 $0.003 SA-South America CO
92. Colombia +57 Movistar (Telefonica Moviles Colombia S.A.) 732123 $0.004 SA-South America CO
93. Colombia +57 Claro (Comcel - Comunicacion Celular S.A.) 732101 $0.004 SA-South America CO
94. Colombia +57 Virgin Mobile (Movistar MVNO) 732154 $0.006 SA-South America CO
95. Congo (Democratic Republic) +243 Vodacom Congo 63001 $0.101 AF-Africa CD
96. Cote d'Ivoire +225 MTN CI 61205 $0.362 AF-Africa CI
97. Croatia +385 T-Mobile HR 21901 $0.066 E-Europe HR
98. Croatia +385 A1 (VIP-NET) 21910 $0.099 E-Europe HR
99. Croatia +385 TELE2 21902 $0.161 E-Europe HR
100. Cuba +53 ETECSA (Empresa de Telecommunicaciones de Cuba) 36801 $0.108 NA-North America CU
101. Cyprus +357 PrimeTel PLC 28020 $0.016 AS-Asia CY
102. Cyprus +357 Cytamobile-Vodafone 28001 $0.018 AS-Asia CY
103. Cyprus +357 epic (ex MTN) 28010 $0.023 AS-Asia CY
104. Czech Republic +420 Vodafone CZ 23003 $0.059 E-Europe CZ
105. Czech Republic +420 T-Mobile CZ 23001 $0.064 E-Europe CZ
106. Czech Republic +420 Telefonica O2 CZ 23002 $0.091 E-Europe CZ
107. Democratic Republic of the Con +243 CCT(Orange) 63086 $0.239 AF-Africa CD
108. Denmark +45 MVNO - Lycamobile Denmark Ltd 23812 $0.09 E-Europe DK
109. Denmark +45 MNO - Telia DK 23820 $0.099 E-Europe DK
110. Denmark +45 MNO - 3 DK (Hi3G Denmark ApS) 23806 $0.105 E-Europe DK
111. Denmark +45 MVNO - Compatel Limited 23813 $0.108 E-Europe DK
112. Denmark +45 MVNO - TEL42 23842 $0.108 E-Europe DK
113. Denmark +45 MNO - TDC A/S 23801 $0.108 E-Europe DK
114. Denmark +45 MVNO - ipvision A/S 238 $0.108 E-Europe DK
115. Denmark +45 MNO - Telenor Denmark 23802 $0.111 E-Europe DK
116. Djibouti +253 Evatis (Djibouti Telecom SA) 63801 $0.018 AF-Africa DJ
117. Dominican Republic +1809 Claro (Compania Dominicana de Telefonos) 37002 $0.038 NA-North America DO
118. Ecuador +593 Movistar (Otecel S.A.) 74000 $0.14 SA-South America EC
119. Ecuador +593 Claro Ecuador (Conecel S.A.) 74001 $0.14 SA-South America EC
120. Ecuador +593 CNT Mobile 74002 $0.14 SA-South America EC
121. Egypt +20 Etisalat Egypt 60203 $0.006 AF-Africa EG
122. Egypt +20 Vodafone Egypt 60202 $0.108 AF-Africa EG
123. Egypt +20 Telecom Egypt 60204 $0.108 AF-Africa EG
124. Egypt +20 Orange (ex. Mobinil) 60201 $0.108 AF-Africa EG
125. Egypt +20 * 6029999 $0.108 AF-Africa EG
126. El Salvador +503 Claro (CTE Telecom Personal) 70601 $0.061 CA-Central America SV
127. El Salvador +503 Tigo (Telemovil EL Salvador) 70603 $0.089 CA-Central America SV
128. Estonia +372 Tele 2 Eesti 24803 $0.051 E-Europe EE
129. Estonia +372 Elisa Eesti 24802 $0.055 E-Europe EE
130. Estonia +372 Telia Eesti AS (EMT) 24801 $0.073 E-Europe EE
131. Ethiopia +251 ETMTN (Ethio-Telecom) 63601 $0.396 AF-Africa ET
132. Faroe Islands +298 HEY (VODAFONE) 28802 $0.013 E-Europe FO
133. Faroe Islands +298 Faroese Telecom 28801 $0.013 E-Europe FO
134. Fiji +679 Vodafone Fiji 54201 $0.183 AU-Australia FJ
135. Fiji +679 Digicel Fiji 54202 $0.278 AU-Australia FJ
136. Finland +358 DNA Ltd 24412 $0.121 E-Europe FI
137. Finland +358 Alands Mobiltelefon AB 24414 $0.121 E-Europe FI
138. Finland +358 Elisa Oyj 24405 $0.123 E-Europe FI
139. Finland +358 Telia (Sonera Finland Oyj) 24491 $0.123 E-Europe FI
140. France +33 Orange 20801 $0.07 E-Europe FR
141. France +33 Legos 20817 $0.07 E-Europe FR
142. France +33 Free Mobile 20815 $0.07 E-Europe FR
143. France +33 SFR 20810 $0.07 E-Europe FR
144. France +33 Transatel 20822 $0.07 E-Europe FR
145. France +33 Bouygues Telecom 20820 $0.072 E-Europe FR
146. France +33 NRJ Mobile (Euro-Information telecom) 20826 $0.085 E-Europe FR
147. France +33 Lycamobile 20825 $0.134 E-Europe FR
148. French Polynesia +689 Vodafone (Pacific Mobile Telecom) 54715 $0.124 AU-Australia PF
149. French Polynesia +689 VINI (Tikiphone SA) 54720 $0.124 AU-Australia PF
150. Gambia +220 Africell Gambia 60702 $0.311 AF-Africa GM
151. Georgia +995 MagtiCom 28202 $0.187 AS-Asia GE
152. Georgia +995 Geocell (Silknet) 28201 $0.187 AS-Asia GE
153. Georgia +995 Beeline (Mobitel) 28204 $0.187 AS-Asia GE
154. Germany +49 T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) 26201 $0.122 E-Europe DE
155. Germany +49 Vodafone Germany 26202 $0.122 E-Europe DE
156. Germany +49 Telefonica O2 Germany 26207 $0.13 E-Europe DE
157. Germany +49 Lycamobile (MVNO) 26243 $0.132 E-Europe DE
158. Ghana +233 MTN (Scancom Ghana Ltd) 62001 $0.302 AF-Africa GH
159. Ghana +233 Glo Mobile Ghana 62007 $0.419 AF-Africa GH
160. Ghana +233 AirtelTigo Ghana 62006 $0.419 AF-Africa GH
161. Ghana +233 Vodafone Ghana 62002 $0.541 AF-Africa GH
162. Greece +30 Vodafone Greece 20205 $0.065 E-Europe GR
163. Greece +30 Cosmote (Mobile Telecommunications S.A.) 20201 $0.065 E-Europe GR
164. Greece +30 Wind Hellas 20210 $0.065 E-Europe GR
165. Greenland +299 TELE Greenland 29001 $0.021 NA-North America GL
166. Guam +1671 [Guam] GTA (Teleguam Holdings) 310140 $0.05 NA-North America GU
167. Guam +1671 [Guam & NMI] Docomo Pacific 310370 $0.05 NA-North America GU
168. Guatemala +502 Claro (TELGUA) 70401 $0.078 CA-Central America GT
169. Guinea +224 Orange Guinee 61101 $0.187 AF-Africa GN
170. Guyana +592 Digicel Guyana (U Mobile) 73801 $0.456 SA-South America GY
171. Haiti +509 NATCOM (National Telecom S.A.) 37203 $0.425 NA-North America HT
172. Haiti +509 Digicel Haiti 37202 $0.456 NA-North America HT
173. Hong Kong +852 New World PCS(CSL) 45410 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
174. Hong Kong +852 Mandarin(PCCW- HKT) 45416 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
175. Hong Kong +852 Hutchison Telephone Company Ltd 45404 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
176. Hong Kong +852 Hutchison - CDMA 45405 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
177. Hong Kong +852 Hong Kong CSL Ltd 45418 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
178. Hong Kong +852 SmarTone HK 45406 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
179. Hong Kong +852 CSL 45402 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
180. Hong Kong +852 Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) 45400 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
181. Hong Kong +852 Trident Telecom Ventures Ltd 45408 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
182. Hong Kong +852 CITIC Telecom 1616 45401 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
183. Hong Kong +852 China Mobile HK 45412 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
184. Hong Kong +852 SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd 45417 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
185. Hong Kong +852 China Unicom International Ltd 45407 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
186. Hong Kong +852 3 (Hutchison Telecom HK Ltd) 45403 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
187. Hong Kong +852 SmarTone Mobile 45415 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
188. Hong Kong +852 China Motion Telecom (HK) Ltd 45409 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
189. Hong Kong +852 PCCW Limited 45419 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
190. Hong Kong +852 PCCW - HKT Telephone Ltd 45429 $0.02 AS-Asia HK
191. Hungary +36 T-Mobile Hungary (Magyar Telekom) 21630 $0.068 E-Europe HU
192. Hungary +36 Vodafone Hungary 21670 $0.093 E-Europe HU
193. Hungary +36 Telenor (fka Pannon) 21601 $0.101 E-Europe HU
194. Iceland +354 Vodafone Iceland (Fjarskipti hf) 27402 $0.107 E-Europe IS
195. India +91 Vodafone // West Bengal 40567 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
196. India +91 Reliance_Madhya Pradesh 40467 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
197. India +91 Vodafone // Orissa 405753 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
198. India +91 Vodafone // Gujarat 40405 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
199. India +91 Reliance_Rajasthan 40519 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
200. India +91 IDEA // UP-West 40456 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
201. India +91 Vodafone // Maharashtra 40427 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
202. India +91 Reliance_Gujarat 40506 $0.009 AS-Asia IN
203. India +91 Airtel // Delhi 40410 $0.01 AS-Asia IN
204. India +91 Airtel // Andhra Pradesh 40449 $0.01 AS-Asia IN
205. India +91 IDEA // Karnataka 40444 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
206. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Kerala 405896 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
207. India +91 Airtel // Punjab 40402 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
208. India +91 Unitech Wireless_Mumbai 405926 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
209. India +91 AIRCEL_Madhya Pradesh 405808 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
210. India +91 Etisalat_Rajasthan 405921 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
211. India +91 Airtel // Haryana 40496 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
212. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Orissa 40541 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
213. India +91 AIRCEL_Assam 40429 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
214. India +91 BSNL // Punjab 40453 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
215. India +91 Vodafone // Madhya Pradesh 405756 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
216. India +91 Reliance_Delhi 40505 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
217. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Gujarat 40530 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
218. India +91 BSNL // Gujarat 40457 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
219. India +91 Vodafone // Assam 405751 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
220. India +91 IDEA // Jammu & Kashmir 405846 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
221. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Karnataka 405895 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
222. India +91 Airtel // Orissa 40553 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
223. India +91 Unitech Wireless_Maharashtra 405929 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
224. India +91 AIRCEL_Kolkata 40491 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
225. India +91 Etisalat_Punjab 405920 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
226. India +91 Reliance_Mumbai 40515 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
227. India +91 Airtel // Gujarat 40498 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
228. India +91 Tata Teleservices_North East 40540 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
229. India +91 AIRCEL_Andhra Pradesh 405801 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
230. India +91 BSNL // Orissa 40476 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
231. India +91 Vodafone // Kolkata 40430 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
232. India +91 AIRTEL_Karnataka 40445 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
233. India +91 Reliance_Chennai 40504 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
234. India +91 IDEA // Rajasthan 40487 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
235. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Delhi 40529 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
236. India +91 BSNL // Chennai 40464 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
237. India +91 Vodafone // Andhra Pradesh 40413 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
238. India +91 IDEA // Himachal Pradesh 40482 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
239. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Gujarat 405891 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
240. India +91 Airtel // North East 40416 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
241. India +91 Unitech Wireless_Gujarat 405927 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
242. India +91 AIRCEL_Kerala 405809 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
243. India +91 Vodafone // UP-West 40566 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
244. India +91 Etisalat_Mumbai 405919 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
245. India +91 Reliance_Maharashtra 40513 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
246. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Mumbai 40539 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
247. India +91 BSNL // North East 40477 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
248. India +91 Vodafone // Kerala 40446 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
249. India +91 AIRCEL_West Bengal 40417 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
250. India +91 IDEA // Punjab 40414 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
251. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Bihar 40527 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
252. India +91 BSNL // Bihar and Jharkhand 40475 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
253. India +91 Reliance_Bihar 40436 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
254. India +91 IDEA // Haryana 40412 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
255. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Delhi 405890 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
256. India +91 Airtel // Mumbai 40492 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
257. India +91 Unitech Wireless_Bihar 405876 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
258. India +91 AIRCEL_Karnataka 405803 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
259. India +91 Vodafone // UP-East 40415 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
260. India +91 Etisalat_Maharashtra 405918 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
261. India +91 Airtel // Chennai 40440 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
262. India +91 Other networks 405912 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
263. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Maharashtra 40537 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
264. India +91 BSNL // Maharashtra 40466 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
265. India +91 Vodafone // Karnataka 40486 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
266. India +91 AIRCEL_UP-WEST 405811 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
267. India +91 IDEA // Orissa 405850 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
268. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Assam 40526 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
269. India +91 BSNL // Assam 40438 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
270. India +91 Reliance_Assam 40409 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
271. India +91 Reliance_West Bengal 40485 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
272. India +91 Airtel // Maharashtra 40490 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
273. India +91 Unitech Wireless_Andhra Pradesh 405819 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
274. India +91 AIRCEL_Jammu & Kashmir 40437 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
275. India +91 Vodafone // Tamil Nadu 40443 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
276. India +91 Etisalat_Madhya Pradesh 405931 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
277. India +91 Reliance_Kolkata 40483 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
278. India +91 Airtel // Bihar and Jharkhand 40552 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
279. India +91 MTNL // Mumbai 40469 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
280. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Madhya Pradesh 40538 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
281. India +91 BSNL // Madhya Pradesh 40458 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
282. India +91 Vodafone // Jammu & Kashmir 405750 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
283. India +91 AIRCEL_UP-East 405810 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
284. India +91 IDEA // North East 405849 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
285. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Andhra Pradesh 40525 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
286. India +91 Reliance_Andhra Pradesh 40501 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
287. India +91 IDEA // Delhi 40404 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
288. India +91 Reliance_UP-WEST 40522 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
289. India +91 Airtel // Madhya Pradesh 40493 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
290. India +91 Tata Teleservices_West Bengal 40547 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
291. India +91 AIRCEL_Himachal Pradesh 40435 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
292. India +91 Vodafone // Rajasthan 40460 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
293. India +91 Etisalat_Kerala 405917 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
294. India +91 Reliance_Kerala 40511 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
295. India +91 Airtel // Assam 40556 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
296. India +91 MTNL // Delhi 40468 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
297. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Kolkata 40536 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
298. India +91 BSNL // Kolkata 40481 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
299. India +91 Vodafone // Himachal Pradesh 405754 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
300. India +91 AIRCEL_Tamil Nadu 40442 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
301. India +91 IDEA // Mumbai 405799 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
302. India +91 Shyam Telelink_West Bengal 405907 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
303. India +91 Airtel // West Bengal 40551 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
304. India +91 IDEA_Punjab 405851 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
305. India +91 IDEA // Bihar and Jharkhand 40570 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
306. India +91 Reliance_UP-East 40521 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
307. India +91 Airtel // Kolkata 40431 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
308. India +91 Tata Teleservices_UP-WEST 40546 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
309. India +91 AIRCEL_Haryana 405807 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
310. India +91 Etisalat_Karnataka 405916 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
311. India +91 Reliance_Karnataka 40510 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
312. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Kerala 40535 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
313. India +91 BSNL // Kerala 40472 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
314. India +91 Vodafone // Haryana 40401 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
315. India +91 AIRCEL_Rajasthan 405806 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
316. India +91 IDEA // Maharashtra 40422 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
317. India +91 Shyam Telelink_UP-WEST 405906 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
318. India +91 Airtel // UP-West 40497 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
319. India +91 IDEA_Karnataka 405847 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
320. India +91 IDEA // Assam 405845 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
321. India +91 Reliance_Tamil Nadu 40520 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
322. India +91 Airtel // Kerala 40495 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
323. India +91 Tata Teleservices_UP-East 40545 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
324. India +91 AIRCEL_Gujarat 405802 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
325. India +91 Etisalat_Haryana 405915 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
326. India +91 Reliance_Jammu & Kashmir 40509 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
327. India +91 India // unknown network 404 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
328. India +91 BSNL // Karnataka 40471 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
329. India +91 AIRCEL_Punjab 405812 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
330. India +91 IDEA // Madhya Pradesh 40478 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
331. India +91 Airtel // UP-East 40554 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
332. India +91 VIDEOCON_Punjab 405932 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
333. India +91 AIRCEL_North East 40433 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
334. India +91 Etisalat_UP-WEST 405924 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
335. India +91 IDEA // Andhra Pradesh 40407 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
336. India +91 Airtel // Karnataka 40406 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
337. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Tamil Nadu 40544 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
338. India +91 Vodafone // North East 405755 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
339. India +91 Etisalat_Gujarat 405914 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
340. India +91 Reliance_Himachal Pradesh 40418 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
341. India +91 IDEA // West Bengal 405853 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
342. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Jammu & Kashmir 40533 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
343. India +91 BSNL // Jammu & Kashmir 40462 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
344. India +91 Vodafone // Delhi 40411 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
345. India +91 AIRCEL_Orissa 40428 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
346. India +91 IDEA // Kolkata 405848 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
347. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Rajasthan 40400 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
348. India +91 Airtel // Tamil Nadu 40494 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
349. India +91 Unitech Wireless_UP-West 405818 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
350. India +91 AIRCEL_Mumbai 405805 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
351. India +91 Etisalat_UP-East 405923 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
352. India +91 BSNL // West Bengal 40474 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
353. India +91 Reliance_Punjab 40518 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
354. India +91 Airtel // Jammu & Kashmir 40555 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
355. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Rajasthan 40543 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
356. India +91 AIRCEL_Chennai 40441 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
357. India +91 BSNL // Tamil Nadu 40480 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
358. India +91 Vodafone // Mumbai 40420 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
359. India +91 Etisalat_Delhi 405913 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
360. India +91 Reliance_Haryana 40507 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
361. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Himachal Pradesh 40532 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
362. India +91 BSNL // Himachal Pradesh 40451 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
363. India +91 Vodafone // Chennai 40484 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
364. India +91 IDEA // Kerala 40419 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
365. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Kolkata 405897 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
366. India +91 Airtel // Rajasthan 40470 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
367. India +91 Unitech Wireless_UP-East 405879 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
368. India +91 AIRCEL_Maharashtra 405804 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
369. India +91 Etisalat_Tamil Nadu 405922 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
370. India +91 BSNL // UP-West 40454 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
371. India +91 Reliance_Orissa 40452 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
372. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Punjab 40542 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
373. India +91 AIRCEL_Bihar 40425 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
374. India +91 BSNL // Rajasthan 40459 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
375. India +91 Etisalat_Bihar 405930 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
376. India +91 IDEA // UP-East 40489 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
377. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Haryana 40531 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
378. India +91 BSNL // Haryana 40434 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
379. India +91 Vodafone // Bihar and Jharkhand 405752 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
380. India +91 * 404999 $0.011 AS-Asia IN
381. India +91 BSNL // UP-East 40455 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
382. India +91 Reliance_North East 40450 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
383. India +91 IDEA // Tamil Nadu 405852 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
384. India +91 IDEA // Gujarat 40424 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
385. India +91 BSNL // Andhra Pradesh 40473 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
386. India +91 Vodafone // Punjab 40488 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
387. India +91 Tata Teleservices_Karnataka 40534 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
388. India +91 Shyam Telelink_Tamil Nadu 405904 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
389. India +91 AIRCEL_Delhi 405800 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
390. India +91 Airtel // Himachal Pradesh 40403 $0.012 AS-Asia IN
391. Indonesia +62 3 (PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications) 51089 $0.481 AS-Asia ID
392. Indonesia +62 Indosat Ooredoo (PT Indosat Tbk) 51001 $0.481 AS-Asia ID
393. Indonesia +62 Smartfren (PT Smartfren Telecom) 51028 $0.588 AS-Asia ID
394. Indonesia +62 Telkomsel (PT Telekomunikasi Selular) 51010 $0.609 AS-Asia ID
395. Indonesia +62 XL (PT XL Axiata Tbk) 51011 $0.638 AS-Asia ID
396. Iran +98 Rightel 43220 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
397. Iran +98 MVNO - Shatel 43208 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
398. Iran +98 MVNO - SamanTel 43201 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
399. Iran +98 MVNO - Negintel 43202 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
400. Iran +98 MTN Irancell 43235 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
401. Iran +98 MCI (Mobile Communications Company of Iran) 43211 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
402. Iran +98 Mobile Communications Company of Iran (TCI) 43219 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
403. Iran +98 Taliya (Rafsanjan Industrial Complex (Coop)) 43232 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
404. Iran +98 TKC (KFZO) 43214 $0.044 AS-Asia IR
405. Iraq +964 Korek Telecom 41840 $0.436 AS-Asia IQ
406. Iraq +964 Asiacell (Ooredoo group) 41805 $0.468 AS-Asia IQ
407. Ireland +353 Meteor Mobile Telecommunications 27203 $0.076 E-Europe IE
408. Ireland +353 Vodafone Ireland 27201 $0.076 E-Europe IE
409. Ireland +353 Lycamobile (O2 MVNO) 27213 $0.085 E-Europe IE
410. Ireland +353 Hutchison 3G Ireland 27205 $0.085 E-Europe IE
411. Ireland +353 Tesco mobile (Liffey Telecom) (O2 MVNO) 27211 $0.085 E-Europe IE
412. Isle of Man +44 Manx Telecom 23458 $0.048 E-Europe IM
413. Israel +972 Orange (Partner Communications Company) 42501 $0.228 AS-Asia IL
414. Israel +972 mirs 42507 $0.578 AS-Asia IL
415. Israel +972 Pelephone 42503 $0.578 AS-Asia IL
416. Israel +972 Cellcom Israel 42502 $0.578 AS-Asia IL
417. Israel +972 Azi Communications (Telzar) 42519 $0.578 AS-Asia IL
418. Italy +39 Vodafone Italy 22210 $0.072 E-Europe IT
419. Italy +39 Noverca (TIM MVNO) 22207 $0.072 E-Europe IT
420. Italy +39 H3G Italia 22299 $0.074 E-Europe IT
421. Italy +39 Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA 22288 $0.074 E-Europe IT
422. Italy +39 Plintron (Vodafone MVNO) 22254 $0.074 E-Europe IT
423. Italy +39 ILIAD Italia S.p.A. 22250 $0.074 E-Europe IT
424. Italy +39 Fastweb (H3G MVNO) 22208 $0.082 E-Europe IT
425. Italy +39 Digi Italy S.r.l. 22236 $0.082 E-Europe IT
426. Italy +39 Poste Mobile(Wind MVNO) 22233 $0.082 E-Europe IT
427. Italy +39 Mass Response Service GmbH (Spusu) (Wind MVNO) 22256 $0.082 E-Europe IT
428. Italy +39 Lycamobile 22235 $0.082 E-Europe IT
429. Italy +39 TIM (Telecom Italia SpA) 22201 $0.095 E-Europe IT
430. Jamaica +1876 Flow (Cable & Wireless (Jamaica) Ltd) 338180 $0.23 NA-North America JM
431. Japan +81 SoftBank 44020 $0.06 AS-Asia JP
432. Japan +81 Rakuten Mobile 44011 $0.063 AS-Asia JP
433. Japan +81 au (KDDI) 44054 $0.07 AS-Asia JP
434. Japan +81 Okinawa Cellular Telephone (UMTS) 44078 $0.07 AS-Asia JP
435. Japan +81 NTT DOCOMO 44010 $0.079 AS-Asia JP
436. Jersey +44 Jersey Telecom 23450 $0.046 E-Europe GG
437. Jersey +44 Sure Mobile (Cable & Wireless Jersey Ltd) 23455 $0.046 E-Europe GG
438. Jersey +44 Airtel Jersey 23403 $0.048 E-Europe GG
439. Jordan +962 zain JO (JMTS) 41601 $0.315 AS-Asia JO
440. Jordan +962 Umniah 41603 $0.384 AS-Asia JO
441. Kazakhstan +7 Tele2 (Mobile Telecom Service LLP) 40177 $0.339 AS-Asia KZ
442. Kazakhstan +7 Altel JSC 40107 $0.339 AS-Asia KZ
443. Kazakhstan +7 K-Cell (GSM Kazakhstan Ltd) 40102 $0.393 AS-Asia KZ
444. Kazakhstan +7 Beeline (KaR-Tel LLP) 40101 $0.397 AS-Asia KZ
445. Kenya +254 Telkom Kenya Ltd (Orange) 63907 $0.009 AF-Africa KE
446. Kenya +254 Safaricom 63902 $0.009 AF-Africa KE
447. Kenya +254 yu (Econet Wireless) 63905 $0.009 AF-Africa KE
448. Kenya +254 Airtel Kenya 63903 $0.013 AF-Africa KE
449. Korea, the Republic of +82 LG U+ 45006 $0.03 AS-Asia KR
450. Korea, the Republic of +82 KT Freetel 45008 $0.03 AS-Asia KR
451. Korea, the Republic of +82 SK Telecom 45005 $0.03 AS-Asia KR
452. Kosovo +383 IPKO 22102 $0.275 E-Europe XK
453. Kosovo +383 Vala (Telekomi i Kosovës sh.a.) 22101 $0.289 E-Europe XK
454. Kuwait +965 VIVA (Kuwait Telecom Company) 41904 $0.43 AS-Asia KW
455. Kyrgyzstan +996 Beeline KG (Sky Mobile LLC) 43701 $0.354 AS-Asia KG
456. Kyrgyzstan +996 MEGACOM (Alfa Telecom Joint Stock Company) 43705 $0.374 AS-Asia KG
457. Kyrgyzstan +996 O! (NurTelecom LLC) 43709 $0.466 AS-Asia KG
458. Lao People's Democratic Republic +856 Lao Telecommunications 45701 $0.388 AS-Asia LA
459. Latvia +371 TELE2 24702 $0.053 E-Europe LV
460. Latvia +371 LMT GSM (Latvijas Mobilais Telefons) 24701 $0.054 E-Europe LV
461. Latvia +371 Bite Latvija 24705 $0.055 E-Europe LV
462. Lebanon +961 Alfa (MIC 1) 41501 $0.421 AS-Asia LB
463. Lebanon +961 MTC-Touch (MIC 2) 41503 $0.48 AS-Asia LB
464. Lesotho +266 Vodacom Lesotho 65101 $0.062 AF-Africa LS
465. Lesotho +266 Econet Telecom Lesotho 65102 $0.341 AF-Africa LS
466. Liberia +231 Orange Liberia (ex. Cellcom) 61807 $0.226 AF-Africa LR
467. Liberia +231 Lonestar Cell 61801 $0.343 AF-Africa LR
468. Libya +218 Libyana Mobile Phone 60600 $0.541 AF-Africa LY
469. Lithuania +370 Telia Lietuva (Omnitel) 24601 $0.063 E-Europe LT
470. Lithuania +370 TELE2 24603 $0.063 E-Europe LT
471. Lithuania +370 BITE GSM 24602 $0.064 E-Europe LT
472. Luxembourg +352 Orange 27099 $0.093 E-Europe LU
473. Madagascar +261 Telma Mobile 64604 $0.679 AF-Africa MG
474. Madagascar +261 Orange Madagascar 64602 $0.717 AF-Africa MG
475. Malawi +265 Airtel Malawi 65010 $0.468 AF-Africa MW
476. Malaysia +60 Webe (Packet One) 502153 $0.037 AS-Asia MY
477. Malaysia +60 U Mobile Sdn Bhd 50218 $0.376 AS-Asia MY
478. Malaysia +60 Maxis Bhd 50212 $0.376 AS-Asia MY
479. Malaysia +60 DiGi Telecommunications 50216 $0.423 AS-Asia MY
480. Malaysia +60 Celcom Axiata Bhd 50219 $0.423 AS-Asia MY
481. Maldives +960 Dhiraagu (Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun) 47201 $0.267 AS-Asia MV
482. Maldives +960 Ooredoo Maldives 47202 $0.376 AS-Asia MV
483. Mali +223 Orange MALI 61002 $0.119 AF-Africa ML
484. Mali +223 Malitel 61001 $0.119 AF-Africa ML
485. Malta +356 Vodafone Malta 27801 $0.069 E-Europe MT
486. Marshall Islands +692 Islands National Telecommunications Authority (MINTA) 55101 $0.003 AU-Australia MH
487. Martinique +596 Orange Caraibe Mobiles 34001 $0.119 NA-North America MQ
488. Martinique +596 Digicel Martinique 34020 $0.456 NA-North America MQ
489. Mauritania +222 Mattel 60901 $0.146 AF-Africa MR
490. Mauritania +222 Mauritel Mobiles 60910 $0.154 AF-Africa MR
491. Mauritania +222 Chinguitel 60902 $0.378 AF-Africa MR
492. Mauritius +230 Emtel 61710 $0.2 AF-Africa MU
493. Mexico +52 Telcel (Radiomovil Dipsa S.A.) 33402 $0.029 CA-Central America MX
494. Mexico +52 movistar (Pegaso PCS) 33403 $0.119 CA-Central America MX
495. Mexico +52 AT&T Mexico (Nextel & Iusacell) 33405 $0.417 CA-Central America MX
496. Mexico +52 Altan 334140 $0.622 CA-Central America MX
497. Moldova +373 Unite (MoldTelecom) 25905 $0.062 E-Europe MD
498. Moldova +373 Orange Moldova 25901 $0.074 E-Europe MD
499. Moldova +373 MoldCell 25902 $0.132 E-Europe MD
500. Mongolia +976 MobiCom 42899 $0.36 AS-Asia MN
501. Mongolia +976 Unitel 42888 $0.39 AS-Asia MN
502. Montenegro +382 m:tel CG 29703 $0.17 E-Europe ME
503. Montenegro +382 Telenor 29701 $0.171 E-Europe ME
504. Montenegro +382 T-Mobile (Crnogorski Telekom) 29702 $0.23 E-Europe ME
505. Morocco +212 INWI (WANA - Groupe ONA) 60402 $0.275 AF-Africa MA
506. Morocco +212 IAM (Maroc Telecom) 60401 $0.319 AF-Africa MA
507. Morocco +212 Orange (ex Meditel) 60400 $0.322 AF-Africa MA
508. Mozambique +258 mcel (Mocambique Celular S.A.R.L.) 64301 $0.108 AF-Africa MZ
509. Mozambique +258 Vodacom Mozambique 64304 $0.165 AF-Africa MZ
510. Mozambique +258 Movitel 64303 $0.306 AF-Africa MZ
511. Myanmar +95 MPT (Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications) 41401 $0.318 AS-Asia MM
512. Nepal +977 Nepal Doorsanchar Company Ltd (Nepal Telecom) 42901 $0.284 AS-Asia NP
513. Nepal +977 Ncell (Spice Nepal Private Ltd) 42902 $0.478 AS-Asia NP
514. Netherlands +31 KPN B.V. 20408 $0.122 E-Europe NL
515. Netherlands +31 Lycamobile (KPN MVNO) 20409 $0.13 E-Europe NL
516. Netherlands +31 Lancelot B.V. 20428 $0.13 E-Europe NL
517. Netherlands +31 KPN B.V. (Telfort B.V.) 20412 $0.13 E-Europe NL
518. Netherlands +31 InterCity Mobile 20417 $0.13 E-Europe NL
519. Netherlands +31 VodafoneZiggo Netherlands 20404 $0.132 E-Europe NL
520. Netherlands +31 TELE2 Nederland B.V. (T-Mobile MVNO) 20402 $0.139 E-Europe NL
521. Netherlands +31 T-Mobile NL 20416 $0.139 E-Europe NL
522. Netherlands +31 Voiceworks 20403 $0.139 E-Europe NL
523. Netherlands +31 Teleena Holding B.V. (Vodafone MVNO) 20407 $0.144 E-Europe NL
524. New Caledonia +687 Mobilis (OPT New Caledonia) 54601 $0.118 AU-Australia NC
525. New Zealand +64 Vodafone New Zealand 53001 $0.105 AU-Australia NZ
526. New Zealand +64 2degrees 53024 $0.105 AU-Australia NZ
527. North Macedonia +389 Vip MK (one.Vip DOO Skopje (MKDNO)) 29403 $0.023 E-Europe MK
528. North Macedonia +389 T-Mobile Macedonia 29401 $0.033 E-Europe MK
529. Norway +47 Lycamobile Norway Ltd (Telia MVNO) 24223 $0.079 E-Europe NO
530. Norway +47 ICE Communication Norge AS 24214 $0.085 E-Europe NO
531. Norway +47 Telenor Norge AS 24201 $0.093 E-Europe NO
532. Norway +47 TELIA (NetCom) 24202 $0.094 E-Europe NO
533. Oman +968 OMAN MOBILE (Oman Telecommunications Company) 42202 $0.13 AS-Asia OM
534. Oman +968 OOREDOO (NAWRAS) 42203 $0.287 AS-Asia OM
535. Pakistan +92 Ufone (Pak Telecom Mobile Ltd) 41003 $0.347 AS-Asia PK
536. Pakistan +92 ZONG (CMPak Limited) 41004 $0.368 AS-Asia PK
537. Pakistan +92 Telenor Pakistan 41006 $0.442 AS-Asia PK
538. Pakistan +92 Jazz (Mobilink) 41001 $0.594 AS-Asia PK
539. Pakistan +92 Jazz (Warid Telecom) 41007 $0.594 AS-Asia PK
540. Palestine +970 Wataniya Palestine 42500 $0.163 AS-Asia PS
541. Palestine +970 Palestine (Jawaal) 42505 $0.358 AS-Asia PS
542. Panama +507 Mas Movil (Cable & Wireless Panama) 71401 $0.231 CA-Central America PA
543. Papua New Guinea +675 Bee Mobile (BMobile Ltd) 53701 $0.016 AU-Australia PG
544. Papua New Guinea +675 B-Mobile (PMC) 53702 $0.016 AU-Australia PG
545. Papua New Guinea +675 Digicel PNG 53703 $0.045 AU-Australia PG
546. Paraguay +595 Tigo (Telecel Paraguay) 74404 $0.224 SA-South America PY
547. Peru +51 Movistar Peru (Telefonica Moviles S.A.) 71606 $0.113 SA-South America PE
548. Peru +51 Entel Peru 71617 $0.21 SA-South America PE
549. Peru +51 Claro Peru (America Movil Peru SAC) 71610 $0.228 SA-South America PE
550. Philippines +63 Smart Communications 51503 $0.236 AS-Asia PH
551. Philippines +63 Globe Telecom 51502 $0.288 AS-Asia PH
552. Poland +48 ERA (Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o.) 26002 $0.028 E-Europe PL
553. Poland +48 Orange (PTK Centertel Sp. z o.o.) 26003 $0.028 E-Europe PL
554. Poland +48 Lycamobile Sp. z o.o. (MVNO) 26009 $0.028 E-Europe PL
555. Poland +48 AERO (CenterNet S.A.) (Plus MVNO) 26015 $0.028 E-Europe PL
556. Poland +48 Plus (Polkomtel S.A.) 26001 $0.029 E-Europe PL
557. Poland +48 Play (P4 Sp. z o.o.) 26006 $0.029 E-Europe PL
558. Portugal +351 Lycamobile (MVNO Vodafone) 26804 $0.025 E-Europe PT
559. Portugal +351 Vodafone Portugal 26801 $0.025 E-Europe PT
560. Portugal +351 NOWO (MVNO MEO) 26898 $0.025 E-Europe PT
561. Portugal +351 NOS (fka Optimus) 26803 $0.025 E-Europe PT
562. Portugal +351 MEO (fka TMN) 26806 $0.025 E-Europe PT
563. Reunion +262 Free (former Outremer Telecom) 64702 $0.076 AF-Africa RE
564. Reunion +262 Orange Reunion 64700 $0.081 AF-Africa RE
565. Reunion +262 Societe Reunionnaise de Radiotelephone 64710 $0.089 AF-Africa RE
566. Romania +40 Orange Romania 22610 $0.058 E-Europe RO
567. Romania +40 Vodafone Romania 22601 $0.062 E-Europe RO
568. Romania +40 DIGI Mobil (RCS & RDS) 22605 $0.062 E-Europe RO
569. Romania +40 Telekom Romania (f.d. Cosmote) 22603 $0.065 E-Europe RO
570. Russian Federation +7 Tinkoff Mobile (Tele2 MVNO) 25062 $0.066 E-Europe RU
571. Russian Federation +7 MOTIV Telecom (Ekaterinburg 2000) 25035 $0.224 E-Europe RU
572. Russian Federation +7 Sberbank Telecom (Tele2 MVNO) 25050 $0.366 E-Europe RU
573. Russian Federation +7 MTS (Mobile TeleSystems) 25001 $0.386 E-Europe RU
574. Russian Federation +7 VTB Mobile - Tele2 MVNO 25026 $0.409 E-Europe RU
575. Russian Federation +7 Yota (Scartel) 25011 $0.411 E-Europe RU
576. Russian Federation +7 SprintTel (EZ Mobile) 25043 $0.421 E-Europe RU
577. Russian Federation +7 K-Telecom (WIN Mobile) 25032 $0.425 E-Europe RU
578. Russian Federation +7 Virgin (Tele2 MVNO) 25020 $0.555 E-Europe RU
579. Russian Federation +7 Beeline (VimpelCom) 25099 $0.569 E-Europe RU
580. Russian Federation +7 Megafon 25002 $0.635 E-Europe RU
581. Rwanda +250 MTN-RWA 63510 $0.362 AF-Africa RW
582. San Marino +378 Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A. 29201 $0.002 E-Europe SM
583. Sao Tome and Principe +239 CSTmovel (Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicacoes SARL) 62601 $0.003 AF-Africa ST
584. Saudi Arabia +966 PTC (iDEN) 42007 $0.077 AS-Asia SA
585. Saudi Arabia +966 Virgin Mobile KSA (STC MVNO) 42005 $0.077 AS-Asia SA
586. Saudi Arabia +966 Lebara Mobile KSA (Mobily MVNO) 42006 $0.077 AS-Asia SA
587. Saudi Arabia +966 Zain SA (MTC Saudi Arabia) 42004 $0.078 AS-Asia SA
588. Saudi Arabia +966 Saudi Telecom Company (STC) 42050 $0.083 AS-Asia SA
589. Saudi Arabia +966 STC (Saudi Telecom Company) 42001 $0.083 AS-Asia SA
590. Saudi Arabia +966 Mobily (Etihad Etisalat Company) 42003 $0.083 AS-Asia SA
591. Senegal +221 Orange Senegal (SONATEL) 60801 $0.224 AF-Africa SN
592. Serbia +381 VIP 22005 $0.146 E-Europe RS
593. Serbia +381 Telenor 22001 $0.233 E-Europe RS
594. Serbia +381 Telekom Srbija 22003 $0.778 E-Europe RS
595. Seychelles +248 Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) 63301 $0.072 AF-Africa SC
596. Seychelles +248 Airtel (Telecom Seychelles) 63310 $0.421 AF-Africa SC
597. Singapore +65 StarHub Mobile 52505 $0.058 AS-Asia SG
598. Singapore +65 TPG 52510 $0.058 AS-Asia SG
599. Singapore +65 SingTel (Singapore Telecom Mobile) 52501 $0.06 AS-Asia SG
600. Slovakia +421 T-Mobile SK (Slovak Telekom) 23102 $0.054 E-Europe SK
601. Slovakia +421 Orange Slovensko 23101 $0.06 E-Europe SK
602. Slovakia +421 Telefonica O2 Slovakia 23106 $0.066 E-Europe SK
603. Slovakia +421 4ka (SWAN) 23103 $0.074 E-Europe SK
604. Slovenia +386 Telemach (Tusmobil) 29370 $0.146 E-Europe SI
605. Slovenia +386 A1 (SI.mobil) 29340 $0.146 E-Europe SI
606. Slovenia +386 Mobitel (Telekom Slovenije) 29341 $0.267 E-Europe SI
607. Somalia +252 Hormuud Telecom Somalia 63725 $0.252 AF-Africa SO
608. South Africa +27 TELKOM (8TA) 65502 $0.021 AF-Africa ZA
609. South Africa +27 Rain mobile 65538 $0.103 AF-Africa ZA
610. South Africa +27 VodaCom 65501 $0.113 AF-Africa ZA
611. South Africa +27 MTN-SA 65510 $0.137 AF-Africa ZA
612. South Africa +27 Cell C 65507 $0.137 AF-Africa ZA
613. Spain +34 MVNO - Mas Movil Ibercom 214 $0.05 E-Europe ES
614. Spain +34 MVNO - VODAFONE ENABLER ESPANA, S.L. 21406 $0.05 E-Europe ES
615. Spain +34 MVNO - ONO (Vodafone) 2140118 $0.05 E-Europe ES
616. Spain +34 MVNO - Tuenti Technologies 21432 $0.05 E-Europe ES
617. Spain +34 MVNO - More Minutes 2140355 $0.05 E-Europe ES
618. Spain +34 MVNO - Mas Movil Telecom 3.0 (PEPEPHONE 3.0) 2140354 $0.05 E-Europe ES
619. Spain +34 MVNO - BT Espana 21415 $0.05 E-Europe ES
620. Spain +34 MVNO - Telecable de Asturias 21416 $0.05 E-Europe ES
621. Spain +34 MVNO - Lycamobile 21425 $0.05 E-Europe ES
622. Spain +34 MVNO - Simyo 21419 $0.05 E-Europe ES
623. Spain +34 MVNO - Least Cost Routing Telecom 2140357 $0.05 E-Europe ES
624. Spain +34 MNO - Yoigo (Xfera Moviles) 21404 $0.05 E-Europe ES
625. Spain +34 MVNO - Jazz Telecom 21421 $0.05 E-Europe ES
626. Spain +34 MNO - Vodafone Espana 21401 $0.05 E-Europe ES
627. Spain +34 MVNO - R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia 21417 $0.05 E-Europe ES
628. Spain +34 MNO - Orange Espana 21403 $0.05 E-Europe ES
629. Spain +34 MVNO - Euskaltel 21408 $0.05 E-Europe ES
630. Spain +34 MNO - Movistar (Telefonica Moviles Espana) 21407 $0.05 E-Europe ES
631. Spain +34 MVNO - Digi Spain Telecom 21422 $0.05 E-Europe ES
632. Sri Lanka +94 Etisalat Lanka 41303 $0.007 AS-Asia LK
633. Sri Lanka +94 Bharti Airtel Lanka (Pvt) 41305 $0.011 AS-Asia LK
634. Sri Lanka +94 Mobitel 41301 $0.011 AS-Asia LK
635. Sri Lanka +94 Dialog Axiata 41302 $0.011 AS-Asia LK
636. Sri Lanka +94 Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka 41308 $0.019 AS-Asia LK
637. Sudan +249 MTN Sudan 63402 $0.362 AF-Africa SD
638. Sudan +249 Zain SD 63401 $0.399 AF-Africa SD
639. Sweden +46 MNO - 3 (Hi3G Access AB) 24002 $0.061 E-Europe SE
640. Sweden +46 MNO - Telenor Sverige AB 24008 $0.061 E-Europe SE
641. Sweden +46 MNO - Tele2 Sverige AB 24007 $0.062 E-Europe SE
642. Sweden +46 MNO - TeliaSonera Sverige AB 24001 $0.063 E-Europe SE
643. Sweden +46 MVNO - Djuice Mobile Sweden 24009 $0.076 E-Europe SE
644. Sweden +46 MVNO TeliaSonera - Telness AB 24083 $0.076 E-Europe SE
645. Sweden +46 MVNO - Mobiweb Ltd 24043 $0.076 E-Europe SE
646. Sweden +46 MVNO - CLX Networks AB 24037 $0.076 E-Europe SE
647. Sweden +46 MVNO TeliaSonera - Alltele Foretag Sverige AB (f.d.Ventelo Sverige AB) 24013 $0.076 E-Europe SE
648. Sweden +46 MVNO - Mobile Arts AB 24033 $0.076 E-Europe SE
649. Sweden +46 MVNO - Beepsend AB 24026 $0.076 E-Europe SE
650. Sweden +46 MVNO - Wireless Maingate AB (iMEZ AB) 24020 $0.076 E-Europe SE
651. Sweden +46 MVNO - Mercury International Carrier Services 24029 $0.076 E-Europe SE
652. Sweden +46 MVNO TeliaSonera - iCentrex Sweden AB 240 $0.076 E-Europe SE
653. Sweden +46 MVNO - Tigo LTD 24034 $0.076 E-Europe SE
654. Sweden +46 MVNO - Lycamobile Sweden Ltd 24012 $0.076 E-Europe SE
655. Sweden +46 MVNO - Ainmt Sverige AB (Netett) 24003 $0.076 E-Europe SE
656. Sweden +46 MVNO - Lindholmen Science Park 24011 $0.076 E-Europe SE
657. Sweden +46 MVNO - 42 Telecom LTD 24035 $0.076 E-Europe SE
658. Sweden +46 MVNO - Spring Mobil AB 24010 $0.076 E-Europe SE
659. Sweden +46 MVNO - Interactive digital media GmbH 24036 $0.076 E-Europe SE
660. Sweden +46 MVNO - 42 Telecom AB 24016 $0.076 E-Europe SE
661. Sweden +46 MVNO - Spirius AB 24045 $0.076 E-Europe SE
662. Sweden +46 MVNO - Infobip Ltd. 24023 $0.076 E-Europe SE
663. Sweden +46 MVNO - ReWiCom Scandinavia AB 24040 $0.076 E-Europe SE
664. Sweden +46 MVNO - Generic Mobile Systems Sweden AB 24018 $0.076 E-Europe SE
665. Sweden +46 MVNO - NextGen Mobile Ltd 24030 $0.076 E-Europe SE
666. Sweden +46 MVNO - Fogg Mobile AB 24027 $0.076 E-Europe SE
667. Sweden +46 MVNO - Mundio Mobile (Sweden) 24019 $0.076 E-Europe SE
668. Sweden +46 MVNO - Eu Tel AB 24022 $0.076 E-Europe SE
669. Sweden +46 MNO - Gotalandsnatet AB 24017 $0.076 E-Europe SE
670. Sweden +46 MVNO - Monty Mobile 24025 $0.076 E-Europe SE
671. Switzerland +41 MVNO - Lycamobile AG 22854 $0.037 E-Europe CH
672. Switzerland +41 Swisscom 22801 $0.04 E-Europe CH
673. Switzerland +41 Sunrise 22802 $0.04 E-Europe CH
674. Switzerland +41 Salt Mobile SA (ex.Orange) 22803 $0.118 E-Europe CH
675. Taiwan +886 MobiTai 46693 $0.02 AS-Asia TW
676. Taiwan +886 KG Telecom 46688 $0.02 AS-Asia TW
677. Taiwan +886 T Star (Taiwan Star Telecom) 46689 $0.02 AS-Asia TW
678. Taiwan +886 Far EasTone 46601 $0.02 AS-Asia TW
679. Taiwan +886 TransAsia 46699 $0.02 AS-Asia TW
680. Taiwan +886 Taiwan Mobile 46697 $0.021 AS-Asia TW
681. Taiwan +886 Chunghwa Telecom 46692 $0.021 AS-Asia TW
682. Tajikistan +992 Tcell (fka Indigo) 43601 $0.493 AS-Asia TJ
683. Tajikistan +992 MegaFon Tajikistan (TT Mobile) 43603 $0.493 AS-Asia TJ
684. Tanzania +255 Airtel Tanzania 64005 $0.468 AF-Africa TZ
685. Thailand +66 True Move H (Real Future) 52004 $0.013 AS-Asia TH
686. Thailand +66 TOT Mobile 52015 $0.013 AS-Asia TH
687. Thailand +66 DTAC (Total Access Communications Co.) 52018 $0.013 AS-Asia TH
688. Thailand +66 AIS GSM (Advanced Info Service PLC) 52003 $0.013 AS-Asia TH
689. Thailand +66 my network (by CAT) 52000 $0.013 AS-Asia TH
690. Timor-Leste +670 Telin Telkomcel 51401 $0.103 AS-Asia TL
691. Togo +228 Moov (Atlantique Telecom - Etisalat) 61503 $0.085 AF-Africa TG
692. Trinidad and Tobago +1868 Digicel Trinidad and Tobago Ltd 374130 $0.456 NA-North America TT
693. Tunisia +216 Orange Tunisie 60501 $0.47 AF-Africa TN
694. Tunisia +216 Ooredoo (Tunisiana) 60503 $0.484 AF-Africa TN
695. Tunisia +216 TunTel (Tunisie Telecom) 60502 $0.574 AF-Africa TN
696. Turkey +90 AVEA(Aria) 28604 $0.029 AS-Asia TR
697. Turkey +90 Northern Cyprus-TRNC 28699 $0.029 AS-Asia TR
698. Turkey +90 Vodafone Turkey 28602 $0.029 AS-Asia TR
699. Turkey +90 Turkcell 28601 $0.029 AS-Asia TR
700. Turkey +90 Turk Telekom (AVEA) 28603 $0.029 AS-Asia TR
701. Turkmenistan +993 Altyn Asyr 43802 $0.356 AS-Asia TM
702. Turks and Caicos Islands +1876 Digicel Turks & Caicos 338050 $0.456 NA-North America JM
703. Uganda +256 MTN Uganda 64110 $0.362 AF-Africa UG
704. Uganda +256 Airtel Uganda 64101 $0.468 AF-Africa UG
705. Ukraine +380 Vodafone Ukraine (fka MTS) 25501 $0.189 E-Europe UA
706. Ukraine +380 life:) (Astelit) 25506 $0.202 E-Europe UA
707. Ukraine +380 Kyivstar 25503 $0.202 E-Europe UA
708. Ukraine +380 Intertelecom (CDMA) 25504 $0.214 E-Europe UA
709. Ukraine +380 3Mob (Ukrtelecom) 25507 $0.218 E-Europe UA
710. United Arab Emirates +971 du (EITC) 42403 $0.126 AS-Asia AE
711. United Arab Emirates +971 Etisalat (Emirates Telecom Corp) 42402 $0.126 AS-Asia AE
712. United Kingdom +44 Sky UK Limited 23457 $0.037 E-Europe GB
713. United Kingdom +44 Cloud9 23418 $0.037 E-Europe GB
714. United Kingdom +44 Serveis Telematics Limited 23499 $0.037 E-Europe GB
715. United Kingdom +44 Hanhaa telecom 23472 $0.037 E-Europe GB
716. United Kingdom +44 Everything Everywher 23431 $0.037 E-Europe GB
717. United Kingdom +44 HSL (Hay Systems Ltd) 23414 $0.037 E-Europe GB
718. United Kingdom +44 Vectone Mobile (Mundio Mobile Limited) 23401 $0.037 E-Europe GB
719. United Kingdom +44 Tismi BV 23409 $0.037 E-Europe GB
720. United Kingdom +44 BT 23400 $0.037 E-Europe GB
721. United Kingdom +44 T-Mobile UK (Everything Everywhere Limited) 23430 $0.037 E-Europe GB
722. United Kingdom +44 aql Wholesale Limited 234 $0.037 E-Europe GB
723. United Kingdom +44 Guernsey Airtel Limited 234995 $0.046 E-Europe GB
724. United Kingdom +44 Orange (Everything Everywhere Limited) 23433 $0.046 E-Europe GB
725. United Kingdom +44 O2 (Telefonica UK Ltd) 23410 $0.046 E-Europe GB
726. United Kingdom +44 Lycamobile UK Limted 23426 $0.046 E-Europe GB
727. United Kingdom +44 Vodafone UK 23415 $0.046 E-Europe GB
728. United Kingdom +44 UK OnePhone LTD 23408 $0.046 E-Europe GB
729. United Kingdom +44 Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 23439 $0.046 E-Europe GB
730. United Kingdom +44 Truphone (Software Cellular Network Ltd) 23425 $0.046 E-Europe GB
731. United Kingdom +44 UK Wave Telecom LTD 23478 $0.046 E-Europe GB
732. United Kingdom +44 Cable & Wireless UK 23407 $0.046 E-Europe GB
733. United Kingdom +44 UK Teleware plc 23419 $0.046 E-Europe GB
734. United Kingdom +44 Telesign Mobile Limited (Routo Telecommunications) 23422 $0.046 E-Europe GB
735. United Kingdom +44 UK BT 23476 $0.046 E-Europe GB
736. United Kingdom +44 3 (Hutchison 3G UK Ltd) 23420 $0.046 E-Europe GB
737. United Kingdom +44 T-Mobile (UK) Ltd 23432 $0.046 E-Europe GB
738. United Kingdom +44 * 2349999 $0.048 E-Europe GB
739. United Kingdom +44 all operator 234999 $0.048 E-Europe GB
740. United States +1 Globalive Wireless Mngmt 310490 $0.036 NA-North America US
741. United States +1 via Interop: Carolina West Wireless 310130 $0.036 NA-North America US
742. United States +1 Digicel 310621 $0.036 NA-North America US
743. United States +1 via ClearSky: Cellular One of NE Arizona (Smith Bagley) 310320 $0.036 NA-North America US
744. United States +1 Northwestel Mobility Inc 31005 $0.036 NA-North America US
745. United States +1 Sprint 310120 $0.036 NA-North America US
746. United States +1 via Interop: NewCore (ASTAC / PTCI / Standing Rock) 311530 $0.036 NA-North America US
747. United States +1 via Interop: Bravado Wireless (Cross Wireless) 312030 $0.036 NA-North America US
748. United States +1 Cricket Communicatio 31016 $0.036 NA-North America US
749. United States +1 via ClearSky: Brightlink Communications 310997 $0.036 NA-North America US
750. United States +1 via Interop: West Central Cellular 310180 $0.036 NA-North America US
751. United States +1 NorthernTel Limited Partnership 31004 $0.036 NA-North America US
752. United States +1 via Interop: Mid-Rivers Cellular (Cable & Cellular Communications) 310900 $0.036 NA-North America US
753. United States +1 via Interop: Bluegrass Cellular 311810 $0.036 NA-North America US
754. United States +1 Cable & Wireless 310620 $0.036 NA-North America US
755. United States +1 via ClearSky: Blue Wireless (Buffalo-Lake Erie Wireless Systems Co) (Defunct) 312570 $0.036 NA-North America US
756. United States +1 via Interop: Viaero Wireless 310450 $0.036 NA-North America US
757. United States +1 Nextel Communication 31010 $0.036 NA-North America US
758. United States +1 C Spire Wireless (Cellular South) 311230 $0.036 NA-North America US
759. United States +1 via Interop: Inland Cellular 310580 $0.036 NA-North America US
760. United States +1 via ClearSky: United Wireless 311650 $0.036 NA-North America US
761. United States +1 block 310996 $0.036 NA-North America US
762. United States +1 via Interop: Union Cellular 310020 $0.036 NA-North America US
763. United States +1 MetroPCS 310660 $0.036 NA-North America US
764. United States +1 AT&T Mobility 310410 $0.036 NA-North America US
765. United States +1 via Interop: Illinois Valley Cellular 311340 $0.036 NA-North America US
766. United States +1 Bell Mobility 310610 $0.036 NA-North America US
767. United States +1 via ClearSky: Appalachian Wireless (East Kentucky Network) 310750 $0.036 NA-North America US
768. United States +1 via Interop: Thumb Cellular 311050 $0.036 NA-North America US
769. United States +1 Level 3 Communicatio 31001 $0.036 NA-North America US
770. United States +1 via Interop: GCI Communications (Alaska DigiTel & ACS Wireless) 311370 $0.036 NA-North America US
771. United States +1 via ClearSky: Pioneer (Cellular Network Partnership) 310360 $0.036 NA-North America US
772. United States +1 * 310999 $0.036 NA-North America US
773. United States +1 Wireless Ventures (AT&T) 310980 $0.036 NA-North America US
774. United States +1 via Interop: Cordova Wireless 311240 $0.036 NA-North America US
775. United States +1 via ClearSky: Pine Cellular 311080 $0.036 NA-North America US
776. United States +1 TELUS Mobility 310653 $0.036 NA-North America US
777. United States +1 via ClearSky: ATNI (Commnet Wireless & Choice Wireless) 311040 $0.036 NA-North America US
778. United States +1 via Interop: Rural Independent Network Alliance (RINA) 310960 $0.036 NA-North America US
779. United States +1 Thunder Bay Mobility 310656 $0.036 NA-North America US
780. United States +1 via Interop: Copper Valley 310930 $0.036 NA-North America US
781. United States +1 TELUS Quebec 310657 $0.036 NA-North America US
782. United States +1 Verizon Wireless 311480 $0.036 NA-North America US
783. United States +1 via Interop: Pine Belt Cellular 311670 $0.036 NA-North America US
784. United States +1 Aliant Telecom (Mobility) 310702 $0.036 NA-North America US
785. United States +1 via Interop: Chat Mobility 311430 $0.036 NA-North America US
786. United States +1 SaskTel Mobility 310654 $0.036 NA-North America US
787. United States +1 via ClearSky: Nemont (Sagebrush Cellular) 311350 $0.036 NA-North America US
788. United States +1 Landline 310998 $0.036 NA-North America US
789. United States +1 Rogers 310720 $0.036 NA-North America US
790. United States +1 via Interop: Cellular One (MTPCS) 310570 $0.036 NA-North America US
791. United States +1 Telebec Limited Partnership 31009 $0.036 NA-North America US
792. United States +1 Powertel 310270 $0.036 NA-North America US
793. United States +1 U.S. Cellular 311580 $0.036 NA-North America US
794. United States +1 via Interop: NorthwestCell (Northwest Missouri Cellular) 311420 $0.036 NA-North America US
795. United States +1 Sprint Spectrum L.p 310190 $0.036 NA-North America US
796. United States +1 via Interop: CellCom (New Cell) 310600 $0.036 NA-North America US
797. United States +1 T-mobile Usa 310170 $0.036 NA-North America US
798. United States +1 via ClearSky: Chariton Valley Cellular 311010 $0.036 NA-North America US
799. United States +1 Omnipoint Communications 310160 $0.036 NA-North America US
800. United States +1 T-Mobile US 310260 $0.036 NA-North America US
801. United States +1 via Interop: Nex-Tech Wireless 311100 $0.036 NA-North America US
802. Uruguay +598 Antel 74801 $0.042 SA-South America UY
803. Uruguay +598 Movistar (Telefonica Moviles Del Uruguay S.A.) 74807 $0.124 SA-South America UY
804. Uzbekistan +998 UMS (MTS) 43407 $0.528 AS-Asia UZ
805. Uzbekistan +998 UCell (Coscom) 43405 $0.528 AS-Asia UZ
806. Uzbekistan +998 Beeline (Unitel LLC) 43404 $0.588 AS-Asia UZ
807. Vanuatu +678 Digicel Vanuatu 54105 $0.007 AU-Australia VU
808. Vanuatu +678 SMILE (Telecom Vanuatu) 54101 $0.05 AU-Australia VU
809. Venezuela +58 Movistar (Telcel C.A.) 73404 $0.141 SA-South America VE
810. Venezuela +58 Digitel GSM 73402 $0.172 SA-South America VE
811. Vietnam +84 Gmobile (GTEL Mobile) former Beeline 45207 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
812. Vietnam +84 Vinaphone (Vietnam Telecom Services Company) 45202 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
813. Vietnam +84 S-Fone (CDMA) 45203 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
814. Vietnam +84 Viettel Mobile 45204 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
815. Vietnam +84 Vietnamobile (Hanoi Telecom) 45205 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
816. Vietnam +84 MobiFone (Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Company) 45201 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
817. Vietnam +84 IndoChina Telecom (Vinaphone MVNO) 45299 $0.072 AS-Asia VN
818. Yemen +967 MTN (Spacetel) 42102 $0.286 AS-Asia YE
819. Zambia +260 MTN Zambia 64502 $0.362 AF-Africa ZM
820. Zambia +260 Airtel Zambia 64501 $0.468 AF-Africa ZM
821. Zimbabwe +263 Econet Wireless 64804 $0.033 AF-Africa ZW
822. Zimbabwe +263 NetOne Cellular 64801 $0.039 AF-Africa ZW
823. Zimbabwe +263 Telecel Zimbabwe 64803 $0.04 AF-Africa ZW