Successful Bulk SMS Delivery Rates

Can we take a moment to talk about "the elephant in the room" regarding bulk SMS.
That is: knowing the successful delivery statistics of your messages.

First, some quick tips:
• CheapGlobalSMS provides the delivery statistics of each of your bulk SMS batch, at:

• Also, you can find out the SMS delivery status, destination Operator/Network, and credits charged for each of the recipients at

Now, that's not all!

These are the two factors to take into consideration for successful delivery of all your SMS to every recipient.

• SMS Delivery Route:
There are 3 bulk SMS routes available: "Optimal Standard Route", "Priority Delivery Route" and "Best Pricing Route".

For most contents it is advisable to simply send your bulk SMS from CheapGlobalSMS though the "Optimal standard route", as the route is always optimized to ensure delivery of all messages.

The "Priority Delivery Route" could sometimes make a difference for your SMS, in some very stringent situations, especially when the message is time bound like OTP, and there are restrictive regulations in place, preventing delivery from the optimal standard route. (But at some other times, both the optimal standard route and priority delivery route sends bulk SMS through the same reliable channel and cost).

Meanwhile, if you are looking to save some cost, for example: in marketing/promotional bulk SMS to thaosands or millions of recipients, then you may want to choose the "Best Pricing Route". Though this has a con of not delivering to recipients that have enabled filtering rules, either though the operator or on their handset; for blocking SMS such marketing channels.

• Message Contents:
As long as your SMS contents are not fraudulent, phishing or criminal (
i.e not impersonating banks or other websites/companies to hack or scam victims), then you can send them successfully through CheapGlobalSMS.
Even betting or casino promotional bulk SMS are allowed on CheapGlobalSMS.

Meanwhile, general safety rule when sending promotional or marketing bulk SMS is: try to send the content to a single recipient first, in order to confirm its deliverability before broadcasting to everyone else. That way, you can easily adjust the contents by re-wording or removing the networks-blacklisted words that are preventing the Delivery of your SMS.

Now, having been equipped with this information, you can proceed to broadcast your bulk SMS from

Or through the API

Or with SMPP

DATE: Mon, 3rd May. 2021 10:22am

TAGS: Bulk Sms
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