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A ring is round their is no end an that shows how long we will be friends
A true friend would always forgive and forget like you
Behind evry successful luv der is frndshp bt behind evry separated frndship der is luv...Strange bt True....
Best lines by a best friend: 'It hurts me wen u talk to s0me0ne else n n0t me.. .. it hurts even m0re wen s0me1 else makes u smile n i can't . . .
Choose 1 for meee ...:)Bf : best friendCf: close friendDf : dear friendGf: Good friendLf : lovely friendNf : naughty friendSf ; sweet friend
Death is not the greatest loss in lifeThe greatest loss of life iswhen relationship dies among uswhile we r aliveSoB strong in your Relations.
Delightful And Loving,Loved And Admired,Dad, You're My Hero,My Life You've Inspired.And When All My Blessings,Are Counted Each Day,I Thank God In Heaven,For Dad When I Pray.Dad Thanks For Your Presence,Throughout Thick And Thin;You're More Than A Parent,You're My Wonderful Friend...............good evening .. dr
Dictionary Says that'open' & 'close'are opposite words..But lessons of life teach us that we are'open'only with those, with whom we are'close'!!!
DiStence doesn't matter.. when someone is everything...
Dont break anybody's heart. . . They have only one. . . . .If u r angry on them break their bones..They hav 206...:-) think different..;-)