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Red is For Blood.Blood is For Heart.Heart is For Love.Love is For You.You is for Me.Me is For You.;-).Love You Dear...!:-Phappy valentines day
Roses r red,Violets r blueI love u and I know u love me 2
Smile in PleasureSmile in PainSmile when trouble pours like RainSmile when sum1 Hurts USmile becoz SOMEONE stillLoves to see u Smiling!! Happy Valentine's Day.....
Some People are So Much Important in our Life.Not because We Enjoy their Company.But Because We Feel Sooo much Loneliness in their Absence.Happy Valentine's Day.
This is not a special day for me because i celebrate my every day like a "Velentine Day" since you are with me............Happy Valentine Day......
U may miss meU may ignore meU may even forget meBut one day if u wanna c meDont search, just c ur shadowi wil be thr...Trust Me!! Happy Valentine's Day ...
U r uniqueU r caring andU r the Best.And I am d luckiest to have U in my life!Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart!
VALANTANCE DAY:-)'The day which binds two heart togather'
valentine day is the day of and day of chilling......happy valentine
Valentines Day is a day of luvNo 1 gives me more luv than uU brighten up my Each dayU deserve my undying luv.Will U Be my valentine????